How can I make an Acces form for Double Data entry?



I am preparing an EXCEL form to feed a database.This form must be equipped
for double data entry. One person will enter data into the form, a second
person will enter the same data again, for data validation. If there are any
discrepancy between the first and second entfy there must be a warning,and
the program must allow a correction showing the final correction entry.
Appreciate if somebody can help/advise how to do this. Thank you in advance.

John Vinson

I am preparing an EXCEL form to feed a database.This form must be equipped
for double data entry. One person will enter data into the form, a second
person will enter the same data again, for data validation. If there are any
discrepancy between the first and second entfy there must be a warning,and
the program must allow a correction showing the final correction entry.
Appreciate if somebody can help/advise how to do this. Thank you in advance.

About the only way to do this is to have the data entered into a
"scratchpad" table, not into the production table. The first form
would enter the data; the second form would have all unbound
textboxes, with VBA code in each textbox's BeforeUpdate event to look
up the corresponding record and compare. Only if all fields are
correct you would run VBA code to append the record to the production
table, and delete it from the temp table.

It's quite a lot of work and quite a lot of code, and in my experience
can be very frustrating both to develop *and* to use. Narrative text
fields in particular are a pain, since computers are so very literal
minded: a single blank or a NewLine placed after a different word
makes the second entry "wrong" even though it would in fact be
perfectly acceptable.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


You might try another way without code but macro. Create a temp table for
first data entry. Create a second temp table for verification entry. One
the second entry form have a command button for when the second entry is
finished to run a query to compare the two temp tables. If they compare then
append to production table and delete records in the temp tables. If some
records do not compare generate a report for supervisor review.


Thank you very much. I shall try this method, and will get bck if there are
any problems. The second entry will be at a different time by a second
person, and according to procedure, I must save both tables for future


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