How can I keep a maximized form maximized?


Max Moor

Hi All,

I have a form I want maximized. I added DoCmd.Maximize to the form
Open event.

I set the property sheet for no min max buttos, but a minimize button
still shows up next to the close button (which I have to have.

Is there a majic spell I can use in VB to hide the min button? Second
to making it go away, can I trap it and stop it from happening?



Hi Max,

Are you sure you set the option minimize and maximize to none because if you
did you shouldn't see neither option. Reading your post it looks like you
have opted for only showing the minimize option.

Max Moor

Hi Max,

Are you sure you set the option minimize and maximize to none because if
you did you shouldn't see neither option. Reading your post it looks
like you have opted for only showing the minimize option.

Sorry, I misspoke. It's the restore button, next to the close button, I want
to be rid of. The min and max aren't there (it is set to none). The restore
lets the user unmaximize the form, though, and I want them to have to leave
it maximized.


Hi Max,

I tried simulating your forms setup but I cannot reproduce the restore
button. I set the min/max buttons to none. I don't see a restorebutton
anymore. Or do you mean the icon on the left of the titlebar of the form?
When i click on that one the restore option is greyed out.

So to make it clear for me can you show me what the settings of the form are
concerning the controlbuttons from the titlebar so I can reproduce this and
maybe help you further on this one?

Max Moor

So to make it clear for me can you show me what the settings of the form
are concerning the controlbuttons from the titlebar so I can reproduce
this and maybe help you further on this one?

Hi Maurice,
I have:

Border Style None
Control Box No
Min Max Buttons None
Close Button Yes

When the form is opened, it maximizes, as it should, but there is a
restore button next to the close button (x). These are right below the
minimize, restore, and close buttons for Access itself, to the extreme right
on the same line as the menubar (File, Edit, View, etc.).



I simulated what you eaplained and got the same setup. To my knowledge you
can not get rid of the restorebutton when the form is maximized in that
situation. Sorry took so long to get your point.


Max Moor


I simulated what you eaplained and got the same setup. To my knowledge you
can not get rid of the restorebutton when the form is maximized in that
situation. Sorry took so long to get your point.


No sweat, Maurice. I appreciate the help in any case. I've kept looking,
and haven't found a way to do it either. Oh well.


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