How can I improve the capacity of Software Registery by W2K pro ?



When I installed new Software in Windows 2000 pro, I saw that de software registery located in %systemroot%\system32\config increase and will be currupted when their size reached value plus/min 33 MB. I am sure that there is some memory limitation anywhere, Because when I replace the corrupted %systemroot%\system32\config\software file with the backup file, the windows 2000 pro can start up again

Can anyone help me with problem, because I can no more install a new program/software?

Esben Collstrup

Riana said:
When I installed new Software in Windows 2000 pro, I saw that de software registery located in %systemroot%\system32\config increase and will be currupted when their size reached value plus/min 33 MB. I am sure that there is some memory limitation anywhere, Because when I replace the corrupted %systemroot%\system32\config\software file with the backup file, the windows 2000 pro can start up again.

Can anyone help me with problem, because I can no more install a new program/software?

You can resize the registry DB on the same dialog tab where the swap
file is set:

My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Performance Options -> Change


thanks for you help, Esben

But, It didn't work

I try your solution. I set my maximum registry size self to 132 MB and then I restart my computer
After that, I install a new software, it seems no problem. but, when I try restart computer again. I get the following dump of physical memory

Stop: C0000218 {Registry File Failure
The registry cannot load the hive (file) systeemroot\system32\config\software or its log or alternate
it is corrupt, abscent, or not writable

To restart my computer again, I replace the current software file with the backuped (of size 32750 kB) and It starts again

Did you known this kind of problem ? i.e. I have windows 2000 pro SP3

Esben Collstrup

Riana said:
But, It didn't work.

I try your solution. I set my maximum registry size self to 132 MB and then I restart my computer.
After that, I install a new software, it seems no problem. but, when I try restart computer again. I get the following dump of physical memory:

Stop: C0000218 {Registry File Failure}
The registry cannot load the hive (file) systeemroot\system32\config\software or its log or alternate.
it is corrupt, abscent, or not writable.

Have you tried searching the MS Knowledge DB for the error code? A quick
search gave this:;en-us;830084
Yes, I know it is for Win XP, but it might be worth trying to run chkdsk
before you change the reg. db size.



I am sure that my hardware is compatible, hard disk and file system are goed
I will try to upgrade my Sp3 to Sp4. Perhaps, There zit some registry limitation.

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