I'm accessing COM objects from C#.net.
In case of error a COMException is thrown which includes the HRESULT.
But how do I get the description for the HRESULT?
The Message property of the COMException does not contain any useful
Example (I've got a german OS only, so I don't know the exact english
version of these texts):
HRESULT is: 800706ba
Message is: "Die COM-Klassenfactory für die Komponente mit CLSID
{E36D3A64-1FCE-11D3-B2EF-00104B066E1A} konnte aufgrund des folgenden
Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: 800706ba."
(The COM-factory for the component with CLSID {E36D3A64-1FCE-11D3-
B2EF-00104B066E1A} could not be called because of the following error:
What I would like to get is what tools like ERRLOOK return:
"Der RPC-Server ist nicht verfügbar."
(RPC server is not available.)
Is there a way to access these error texts from C#?
Thanks for help!
I'm accessing COM objects from C#.net.
In case of error a COMException is thrown which includes the HRESULT.
But how do I get the description for the HRESULT?
The Message property of the COMException does not contain any useful
Example (I've got a german OS only, so I don't know the exact english
version of these texts):
HRESULT is: 800706ba
Message is: "Die COM-Klassenfactory für die Komponente mit CLSID
{E36D3A64-1FCE-11D3-B2EF-00104B066E1A} konnte aufgrund des folgenden
Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: 800706ba."
(The COM-factory for the component with CLSID {E36D3A64-1FCE-11D3-
B2EF-00104B066E1A} could not be called because of the following error:
What I would like to get is what tools like ERRLOOK return:
"Der RPC-Server ist nicht verfügbar."
(RPC server is not available.)
Is there a way to access these error texts from C#?
Thanks for help!