How can I get an animation to show on only part of the slide?



I'm using the Credits animation for text. The problem is, I only want the
scrolling text to show in the middle part of the slide, so that the text
doesn't scroll over the title or the slide design. Does anyone know how to
limit the area of scrolling text?


Use Fly in(Entrance) or Crawl in(Entrance) instead of Credits.
Site Updated: December 04, 2005
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Contains tutorials on creating amazing animations for your PowerPoint


Thx for the suggestion...the problem with Fly/Crawl In is that the text stops
at a certain point on the screen. I need the text to continue scrolling up,
so that it gets out of the way for another set of text that comes after it.
I've got about 5 text boxes that scroll up, one right after another.


In addition to tohlz's suggestions you might try the Peek In and Peek Out
(2002 and 2003) animations. I like using this when I want to confine my
scrolling to a limited area.


Then try using Fly In(Entrance, after previous), then Peek out(Exit, on click
or After Previous).
Have all your textbox within the slide, they can overlap each other.
Site Updated: December 04, 2005
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Contains tutorials on creating amazing animations for your PowerPoint

Echo S

I'd make a PNG of the text (File|Save As and choose PNG from the "save as
type" dropdown at the bottom of the dialog box) and then insert it on the
slide. Then I'd crop the bottom of it, where you want the credits to show.
Use View|Toolbars|Picture to get the crop tool.

Then bring that image to the topmost layer of the slide by going to
Draw|Order|Bring to Front. Now the credits should scroll in and show until
the image blocks them from view.

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