How can I get a full screen on two monitors?



Can someone tell me how I can get a full screen on two monitors?
I have a PC with dual screens.
I have two applications that launch and take up the full screen.
I want to know how I can get the applications to launch at the same time on
each of the screens?
At the moment, any application launching as a full screen will do so in the
primary monitor only.

Any help would be appreciated.




It has a lot to do with your video card too.

That doesn't really answer the question.
One way of doing it is to temporarily change the default monitor,
launch the application... and then change the default monitor back and
then launch the other application.
Doing this will result in having two full screen applications.

IS THERE A WAY of programming the above functionality automatically?
I know a lot of game (and TV card software) change the resolution
temporarily when running in full screen.
Surely it must be possible to do this in VB or somthing?

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