How can I fit your suggestion


Frank Situmorang

Hello Duane I have not resolved the problem, my question is how can I fit your sugegestion below
Then your txt0 - txt4 would have values like:

Should I put addtional calculated field in the mainreport query and in the subreport query?

TahunPel means Year of Service, Is this what you mean as the Year?, and how can we pass the combo box value chosed into this query. Because when I tried it it promps us to fill in the year eventhough I have chosen it in the combo box.

Thanks for your help


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Duane Hookom

You want to have the text boxes calculate the value included in the
subreport's record source. I believe you now have the actual year (TahunPel)
with values like 2009, 2008, ... in the subreport's record source. Assuming
you are selecting the final year from a combo box [cboYear] on the form
[frmRptSlct] then your text boxes should have control sources like: