How can I find duplicate occurances of three cells in rows?



I am trying to identify rows in a worksheet that have duplicate values in a
combination of three cells that should be unique in the worksheet.


Say cells A1, B1, C1 shuold all be unique.

Set the conditional format of A1 to hi-light if A1 equals B1
Set the conditional format of B1 to hi-light if B1 equals C1
Set the conditional format of C1 to hi-light if C1 equals A1

So if any of the three are equal, some hi-lighting will appear

copy the formats down the columns.


Another thought ..

Assuming key data in cols A to C within rows 2 to 100
with rows containing any blank cells within cols A to C to be disregarded

Place in D2:
Copy D2 down to D100. Col D will flag "X" for all lines with duplicates,
inclusive of the 1st occurrences. You could then easily apply autofilter on
D1 to filter out all these cases.

If you want to flag only the duplicate lines (ie leaving out the 1st
occurrences), use instead in D2:

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