How Can I Do This


Daniel Weston

At work I had a spreadhseet which was basically a list of reconciliations
from cash machines.

The layout consisted of a code followed by some amounts e.g

CH455454 10/5/05£1342 £1000 £2342

I get reports in everyday and used to add them to the spreadhseet one after
the other with gaps in between each code

eg CH12345 10/05/01 £1000 £1234 £2234
CH12345 17/05/01 £1000 £1234 £2234

CH98765 10/05/01 £2000 £2000 £4000

When a new report comes in I now copy and paste the new insformation at the
bottom of the spreadhsheet and use date sort to put the entry in the correct

When doing this manually it was easy to insert a blank line after the entry,
but how would do I add a blank line automatically after the last entry, just
to divide up the list of very similar looking figures,

Any help appreciated,


Sandy Mann


Assuming that your data starts in A4 with titles & headings above that then

Sub InsertIt()
Dim LastCell As Long
Dim x As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

LastCell = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

For x = LastCell To 5 Step -1
If Cells(x, 1).Value <> _
Cells(x - 1, 1).Value Then _
Next x

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Always backup your data before trying anything new.



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