How can i DO this

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I have a struct but I have properties in that struct public and I want them
to be visible in the designer for a user control

so I have a property of SomeItem.Name, SomeItem.Value blah blah

how can I retain that tree in the designer property window?

B Mermuys

Hi, said:
I have a struct but I have properties in that struct public and I want them
to be visible in the designer for a user control

so I have a property of SomeItem.Name, SomeItem.Value blah blah

how can I retain that tree in the designer property window?

I don't think this works for structs. If you have a property which exposes
a struct, then this struct is given by value (copy). Assume that there is a
property SomeItem, which returns a struct, then you cannot simply modify the
members of this struct:
e.g. MyUsercontrol.SomeItem.Name = "Test"; will not work... You're trying to
change a tempory copy.

Now, with classes/objects this works fine.

Before the property that exposes an object, put:

And before the class which you return an object of, put:

The IDE only expands/persists the public properties.



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