How can I create an error log?



How would I create an error log that would store log data to a cell range or
a .txt file, to include: Error number, error name/description, line of
suspected erronious code and if possible some basic information about what
they did to create that error?

I am having some intermittent errors that occur in my VB code on different
machines... Because no one else at my office has any idea what I'm doing
they disregard the error and move on. Then all I get is the extremely useful
error report from them: "Your excel file doesn't work!" which is very hard to

Any help or suggestions on implementing this would be appreciated.

Thank you!


RB Smissaert

See if something like this suits you:

Sub test()

Dim bt As Byte
Dim btSum As Byte
Dim arrErrorData(1 To 6)

10 On Error GoTo ERROROUT

20 For bt = 1 To 300
30 btSum = btSum + bt
40 Next

50 Exit Sub

60 arrErrorData(1) = Format(Now, "dd/mmm/yyyy hh:mm")
70 arrErrorData(2) = "Module: Module1"
80 arrErrorData(3) = "Procedure: Sub test()"
90 arrErrorData(4) = "Error line: " & Erl
100 arrErrorData(5) = "Error number: " & Err.Number
110 arrErrorData(6) = Err.Description

120 Save1DArrayToTextAppend "C:\ErrorqqLog.txt", arrErrorData

End Sub

Sub Save1DArrayToTextAppend(txtFile As String, _
arr As Variant, _
Optional LB As Long = -1, _
Optional UB As Long = -1)

Dim r As Long
Dim hFile As Long

If LB = -1 Then
LB = LBound(arr)
End If

If UB = -1 Then
UB = UBound(arr)
End If

hFile = FreeFile

Open txtFile For Append As hFile

For r = LB To UB
If r = UB Then
Write #hFile, arr(r)
Write #hFile, arr(r);
End If

Close #hFile

End Sub

Just copy and paste in a module and run the Sub test.



Amazing!!! I'm really impressed! Thank you so much! I will just have the
log file saved to my network drive so I can access it from my computer and do
"check ups" on my program!!

RB Smissaert

No trouble. 2 further tips:
If you have to add this to a lot of procedures then you could make a central
error writing Sub with a few arguments and save yourself a lot of typing.
Secondly get MZ-Tools as that can quickly add the error lines for you + has
lots of other good things:


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