how can I count if column A="active" and column E="Job"?



Basically have a spreadsheet of info on current jobs. On sheet 2 i would
like a count of active jobs.

On Sheet 1 data is laid out as follows:
Column A = "a" or blank
Column E = "J" or "S" or blank

The problem is that old jobs are also in the sheet. So countif(E:E,"J")
returns all the j's even if the job is no longer active (Column A is blank,
but column E has a "J").

Formula needed is: If Col A="a" and column E="J" then count.

Basically want to find number of Js when column A ="a". I can use Countif
for number of "a'"s but can't figure out how to condition a formula to count
the "j" in only the rows with a corresponding "a" in column A.

Thank you for your help!

Bernard Liengme

You cannot use whole column (as in A:A) with SUMPRODUCT
best wishes


Yes, I would use SUMPRODUCT and my formula is the same as Trevor's except for the ranges.

I am curious if we don't use SUMPRODUCT, how would we do it, say with COUNT, IF, AND etc.?

The only alternative I can think of is to use COUNTIF on a helper column (e.g. H) containing this formula =AND(A1="a",E1="j") (copied down the column). Then use the following formula:








<<<"I am curious if we don't use SUMPRODUCT, how would we do it, say with
COUNT, IF, AND etc.?">>>

How about an *array* formula using Sum()?
Try this:


Array formulas must be entered with CSE, <Ctrl> <Shift > <Enter>, instead of
the regular <Enter>, which will *automatically* enclose the formula in curly
brackets, which *cannot* be done manually. Also, you must use CSE when
revising the formula.



Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
Yes, I would use SUMPRODUCT and my formula is the same as Trevor's except
for the ranges.

I am curious if we don't use SUMPRODUCT, how would we do it, say with COUNT,
IF, AND etc.?

The only alternative I can think of is to use COUNTIF on a helper column
(e.g. H) containing this formula =AND(A1="a",E1="j") (copied down the
column). Then use the following formula:








No need a helper column. There are many way to count without using SUMPRODUCT


All of these above are array formula you have to commit Ctrl > Shift > enter
(not just enter)


Thank you for your suggestions.

I am very much aware that SUM plus CSE and SUM(IF( )) plus CSE are equivalent to SUMPRODUCT. However, in this example, we want to count; so I was "fixated" on COUNT and COUNT(IF( )) and I got stuck. I have another question and I am going to start my own thread "SUM, COUNT and SUMPRODUCT?"

Brandoni, hope you won't mind my question. Sometimes, I find it easier for all readers to group all formulae together.
Have you found your favourite formula out of the choices provided? I wonder if anyone else has another suggestion. We'll wait and see.


No need a helper column. There are many way to count without using SUMPRODUCT


All of these above are array formula you have to commit Ctrl > Shift > enter
(not just enter)

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