How can I adress diferent Sheets in same Book according to a cellv


Tom N

I´m working with a Excelbook where I use diferent sheets in the same book for
collecting information depending on the value of a cell in an annother
sheet. So, is there some way to use a cellvalue as a sheet adress to annother
sheet in the same book, and put it in to a Lookupformula.

For instance, if the a cellvalue in "Sheet A" is "1" I will collect
information from "Sheet X" with a Lookup formula, and wish to use the
cellvalue as a an adress to "Sheet X". If the value in the cell is "2" I wish
to collect the information from annother Sheet, and so on.

The different informationsheets are identical in formats, so the only
information that differs in a Lookup formula is the sheetadress.

I wish to avoid a IF formula.

I´m using Excel 2002


=INDIRECT("'Sheet "&A1&"'!B10")

If you have your Sheet number in A1 then enter the above in B1

it will retrun the value in 'Sheet A'!B10 if A1 contains A

Basically construct a string which returns the cell address you want and put
that inside INDIRECT...

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