How can I access training for Powerpoint 2003?



I have purchased Microsoft Office 2003 and have looked on the Microsoft
Office Online website to find a beginning online training course for
PowerPoint 2003. The information I find there seems to indicate that I
should be able to access the training course(s) but, for the life of me, I
cannot seem to find anyway to do this. The only way that seems to be open to
me is to download a trial copy of Powerpoint 2003 to gain access to the
training...which doesn't make any sense as I already own the product.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Glen Millar


I wonder if you go to the Help menu, Customer Feedback options and enable
the online content. The go back to PowerPoint while you are online, type
something in Help in the Task Pane and look for some training that way. If
you type in "animation tutorial" online help comes up first (a little icon
of a person in front of the help result).



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


Please tell us your PowerPoint version,
whether you are using vba,
whether your dog has fleas, or
anything else relevant.



Thanks for the reply. I tried your suggestions with no luck (still got to
the page that suggested I download a trial version to get training).

I then realized that I was using Netscape to browse on the internet and
thought that Microsoft might be happier were I to be using their product to
access the training courses.

That seemed to do the trick. I navigated to the beginning page of the
"Creating your first presentation" course with no problem. Looks like I am
on track now.

Thanks again.


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