How can get unique value



I have a sample file
And i have two columns ( column of Year & column of Month) with active
autofilter in them.
I need get all unique values for example with 1977 And after that, list of
all unique values for 1977 from column 2 , copy (without visual effect of
copying) to range cells on other sheet But autofilter in this two columns
should remain active.
Thanks for you time.


my example file is the same
I wish to select all values from a column 2 by value autofilter chosen in a
column 1
How to write expression?
For Each icells In ................................. ?
Worksheets(2).Cells(i, 1) = icells
i = i + 1
'MsgBox icells
Next icells
but i see error
May be do without loop?
Help me some one please :(

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