How authenticate user manually?



I have a subdir called "customer" that only allows authenticated users
(using web.config.)

In my login.aspx I allow them to pass username/password in query string.
Then I go to a default page.

Am I doing this right? It doesn't seem to authenticate in IE6, only IE7 and

If Membership.ValidateUser(request.querystring("User"),
request.querystring("Pwd")) Then
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(request.querystring("User"), True)
End If

If I run the same code in IE6, passing it a valid username & password, I get
auto redirected back to the login page, as if it's not authenticated. Any
idea what's wrong????


This is a company "internal" webapplication that is tied into a phone
answering system. The phone answering system auto logs in the operator.
It's NEVER seen to the users. It's necessary for this application.


Thanks. I believe this fixed the issue...

I added forms timeout to web.config section...

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms timeout="180"/>


Does this make sense as to why this would work?

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