Hovering over a cell and seeing a data set for the sum in the cell




I have a workbook with two worksheets in it.

In worksheet 1, I have a sumif equation in A1.

In worksheet 2, I have a set of data with 5 columns and 2000 rows. I would
like to hover over A1 in Worksheet 1, and have a pop up window (or any other
viewing pane), show me only the rows of data from Worksheet 2, that create
my sumif quantity in Worksheet 1.

Thanks for any suggestion!

Patrick Molloy

you cannot pop-up bits of other sheets

you can copy table data to a grid in a userform
you can trap a mouse move event over ActiveX controls such as an image
object = set the backstyle to transparent and modify its events on the
sheet's code page

Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As
Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
MsgBox "hello"
End Sub

alternative you could write some code that populates each cell's comment
with the reqyured data or a grid in a form

another alternative would be to use a hyperlink (say on a double click) to
the source ...but then there's the problem of returning.


Excel version?

If 2003, check out the Formula Auditing toolbar (not sure what it's
called in 2007/2010). You can evaluate a formula, and trace the cells
your formula depends on.


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