Hoo to execute scripts when awaking from suspend-to-RAM?


Michael Moser

Is there a way (filename / specific directory location / registry entry
/ whatever...) where one can hook in some batchfiles that one wants to
be executed whenever the system awakens from a suspend (to RAM)? My
laptop obviously doesn't get it when I suspend, disconnect and then
connect and awake it attached to a different network.

It always retains its old IP address which then of course causes all
connection attempts to fail before I issue yet another ipconfig /release
& ipconfig /renew. This tends to get a bit tedious so I would like to
automatize this...

Beats me, why on some networks it recognizes a network change
IMMEDIATELY while on some others NEVER...



In Network Connection Properties check if you have Reconnect on Disconnect
(or such) enabled; it should automatically renew your IP. Check all other
network settings as well - ex. Let Windows Automatically Mange Connection or

Michael Moser

Hi Philips,
thanks for your response. I walked the entire Properties tree (i.e. all
options and dialogs) of that connection but couldn't find any such
option (not even one whose name sounded vaguely similar). I also checked
the driver settings, but no such option either. Might this be something
driver specific or else could you please point me to where that option
sits (or what its exact name is)?


Michael Moser

Phillips said:
... if you are on a DHCP network, your IP will be renewed
automatically ...

Yeah - that's what one would think! But I *am* on a DHCP enabled network
both, at work AND at home (my router+WLAN basestation combination at
home also does DHCP), but this automatic renewal only works in one

When I attach to our company network the network change is always
immediately recognized and I get a new IP-address. However, if I detach
from that and later re-attach at home, the computer does not realize
this network change and continues to use the company IP settings until I
manually trigger a renewal.

That's why I considered to fix the problem with some wakeup-script...



Why don't you have two different connections, or try the staticIP for one of

Michael Moser

I tried with an "Alternate Configuration" that lists the static IP
address I use at home, but still, the system does not get it when I am

Which brings me back to my original question: is there a way, to start a
script when awakening from Suspend-to-RAM?



Cannot think of any event at wake up from stand by that you can use to start
executing the script - albeit there should be some.

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