Home Networking in XP - need help



I'm trying to set up home networking. I can access the
Internet from both systems through my router, but when I
try to "View Network Computers", I get the error
message: "[my workgroup name] is not accessible. You
might not have permission to use this network resource.
Contact the administratorto find out if you have access
permissions. The list of servers for this workgroup is
not currently available."

Paul Woodsford

Hi Will,
Check that the XP firewall is disabled on the LAN connections and ensure
that any 3rd party firewalls are correctly set up.

Paul Woodsford
Remove ****NOSPAMPLEASE**** to Reply
: I'm trying to set up home networking. I can access the
: Internet from both systems through my router, but when I
: try to "View Network Computers", I get the error
: message: "[my workgroup name] is not accessible. You
: might not have permission to use this network resource.
: Contact the administratorto find out if you have access
: permissions. The list of servers for this workgroup is
: not currently available."


Try to share some folder first: if you don't have a network setup you'll need to "setup a home/office network" first and next you can share files.


I have identical situation and get identical message. This
is all good advice but my question is why doesn't it see
the workgroup with just the one XP system? That's what my
2000 and ME systems have done when there have been some
problems eg with the firewalls.


Haven't had a chance to test yet but several web sites
suggests setting the NetBIOS over TCPIP option in TCPIP
parameters for the XP system. I had forgotten (since I set
up my own home network for Windows 2000 and ME two years
ago) that file/printer sharing does not use the TCPIP
protocol but the NetBEUI protocol.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

Haven't had a chance to test yet but several web sites
suggests setting the NetBIOS over TCPIP option in TCPIP
parameters for the XP system. I had forgotten (since I set
up my own home network for Windows 2000 and ME two years
ago) that file/printer sharing does not use the TCPIP
protocol but the NetBEUI protocol.

All versions of Windows can network using NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
Nothing in Windows networking requires, or has ever required NetBEUI.

The key to Windows networking is to use the same, single protocol for
file/printer sharing on all computers. If your existing network uses
NetBEUI, you can add NetBEUI to XP and disable sharing over TCP/IP.

I've written a web page with details:

Windows XP Network Protocols
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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