home network help



ive got 2 computers connected to adsl via a dlink router.
On one of the pc's everything works i.e internet msn , download managers etc.
On the other one, i am able to browse the internet and download pictures n
movies but i cannot seem to be able to use msn, download managers or any
games which run live updates.

The second problem is i can not seem to lan them or share files. on the
problem pc i can see the other computer but cannot access it, i get the error
of see network administrator...
I dunno if this helps but wen i try n ping on this computer it says error
code 65 i.e wen i try to ping any address it says "transmitt error code 65"
any help is appreciated.


ive got 2 computers connected to adsl via a dlink router.
On one of the pc's everything works i.e internet msn , download managers etc.
On the other one, i am able to browse the internet and download pictures n
movies but i cannot seem to be able to use msn, download managers or any
games which run live updates.

The second problem is i can not seem to lan them or share files. on the
problem pc i can see the other computer but cannot access it, i get the error
of see network administrator...
I dunno if this helps but wen i try n ping on this computer it says error
code 65 i.e wen i try to ping any address it says "transmitt error code 65"
any help is appreciated.


Provide ipconfig information for each computer, as a start.
1) Start - Run - "cmd".
2) Type "ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt" into the command window.
3) Open Notepad, make sure that Format - Word Wrap is NOT checked!.
4) Open file c:\ipconfig.txt from Notepad.
5) Copy and paste entire contents of the file into your next post.
6) Identify operating system (by name, version, and Service Pack level) with
each ipconfig listing.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net.


If the problem is on the computer that doesn't have the connection to the
internet (the one that's sharing it), you may be having this problem because
you have Windows firewall installed on the second PC (it could be blocking
transmissions to the necessary ports). You only should have the Firewall
running on the PC connected to the internet (it doesn't provide any further
protection on the second PC and in fact has been known to cause various
network connection problems). If you run it on other PC's, it can affect
connectivity in weird ways. Try disabling it on the second PC and see if
that helps.

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