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I am stuck on the database that I am working on. I am trying to get the
database to mass update the 12 holidays for the yr that a company gives
holiday pay for. There are 5 groups of employees. Group 1: 8 hrs of
holiday, Group 2: 7 hrs of holiday, Group 3: 5 hrs of holiday, Group 4: 4.4
hrs of holiday, and Group 5: 3.2 hrs of holiday. I am trying to get it so
that at the beginning of each year after the holiday dates have been updated,
the user can run a query that gives each employee those 12 holidays off and
the right about of holiday hours. Can anyone help me out?
You've given the 40,000 ft view. So, start drilling down. What is getting
updated? If it's a table, then what is the structure? How is an employee
assigned to a group? How many groups can one employee be assigned?
What is updated: Table
Table format: name, holiday, holiday date, holiday_hrs
Groups: Each group represents the amount of holiday pay given. An employee
can only be in one group. If the employee works 80 hrs in the pay period,
then they receive 8 hrs of holiday, 70 hr = 7 hrs holiday, etc. As for
amount of employees assigned to each group it depends on what the position
calls for. Each group need the ability to add employees as well as remove

The updated data from this table will be then put on a form that is the main
form. this form contains the name, pay period, the 14 days (with their
respective dates) for the 2 wk pay period, the option to take time off, and
the ability to add and remove employees. At this point there are a total of
300 employees that will be in the database.

The days of the week are each a subform onto the main form and all days are
connected on the same table with any requests for time off. The pay period
is a subform as well that is linked to the same field on the main form. That
is basically it. This my first attempt at an Access database and form