hmtl output class - C#


Greg Roberts

Hello good people

I know there are several classes to handle XML but i haven't found
a HTML output class (to a file, not an ASP context)

I want to be able to generate some reports to a "nice" output but don't want
know the html specifics .

Ideally i want to be able to load some XML style sheet and then
do some function calls (in C#) to pass a label then the text ...
title1="my dog has fleas" function call ,
paragraph="blah blah" etc.
tablerow="abc, def, ifk"
tablerow (repeated)

where the details for the oject type is encoded in the XML

Want something simple that allows you to pretty up what was a boring textual
output before .
Alternatively if the XML isn't there then some control of some simple
primatives like font size, color, bold


Kevin Spencer

Have you looked at XSL?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
You can lead a fish to a bicycle,
but you can't make it stink.


Consider Kevin's suggestion.

Transform your XML using XSLT and stream it to a file or memory.

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