HLP: Treeview and Recurse (Parent/Child)


Mr. B

I've been beating my brains out on trying to figure out how to do Recurse
(Parent/Child) code for my application (VB.net).

Basically a User enters data into an array. The data is pretty simple:

Parent Child Data
10 15 123
10 16 456
20 25 789
20 28 246
30 35 890
40 55 222


The info is flexible in that the information varies (depending upon the user
needs). And the quantity of Parent/Child input varies as well (say a maximum
of 50 +/- lines).

Back in VB6, this was a relative easy thing to do. But VB.net just messes me

What the heck is the 'smart' trick here? I've almost got it once... but the
Code (to me) seems veryyyyy messy. There must be a simple 'catch' to this?



Bruce F

Michael C#

Looks like a double-linked list to me. Try googling on that. Here's some
sample code, in VB.NET and/or C#.NET (which should convert to VB.NET fairly

B-Tree Sample: http://www.codeproject.com/vb/net/SimpleBTree.asp
Single Linked List:
Double Linked List: http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/doubly-linkedlist.asp
Persistent Data Structures:
"Skip List": http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/SkipList1.asp

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