HLOOKUP across two spreadsheets


Beverly Darvill


I have two spreadsheets - one that has actuals and one that has forecast

The one that holds the actuals figures takes them in from another
spreadsheet. The one that holds the forecast figures are exported from
another program.

What I need to do is to merge the two sheets into one. The first problem is
the sheet that holds the forecast figures is not sorted in the same order as
the sheet that holds the actuals.

I think I need to use HLookup but am not sure how.

Please help



Describe the layout of data in both sheets and give examples of the data and
what you want to achieve from those examples.


Beverly Darvill

The sheet that I want the information to go into is by Project Number,
Project Manager, Project Name, then the next fields hold the actual values.

The sheet I want to import the forecast figures are by Total, Project
Manager, Project Name (within this column is the Project Number) and then the
forecast values.

I need to match the Project Number from the first sheet with the Project
number (within the Project Name) and extract the figures to that field in the
first sheet.


Beverly Darvill

I have changed and am now using VLookup instead with this formula

=VLOOKUP(A2,'[RM_Chart_Design_Components.xls]Data Table'!$C$4:$D$29,2,TRUE)

However it is not returning the correct value for the cell that is in the A2

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