Hlep with code referencing an addin file.



I'm using the following code to add 4 worksheets from another worksheet to
the active workbook.
It works great..unitl I change the Workbook name to the addin file name of
"WCAddin.xla"...which is how I need to run that file.
I get a Run Time Error --Application- defined or object defined error
Is this due to me changing the workbook file name to xla vs xls?
If yes.. how would I rewrite the code to work with the addin file instead?

Public Sub AddWStoWCTemplate()

Workbooks("WCAddin.xls").Sheets(Array("Summary", "Adjustments", "Details",
"Calculations")).Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

With ActiveWorkbook
For i = .Worksheets.Count To .Worksheets.Count - 3 Step -1
With Worksheets(i)
.Range("A1").Formula = .Range("A1").Value
.Range("A2").Formula = .Range("A2").Value
.Range("A3").Formula = .Range("A3").Value
End With
End With

End Sub

Bob Phillips

Surely, this is because there is already a file of that name open to Excel,
so you can't have two.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Nope..there is only one WCAddin.xla opened...the WCAddin.xls is not
opened..and I changed the code to reference WCaddin.xla.

It's copies the worksheets over just file.. It gets the error message when
it gets to this part of the code:
.Range("A1").Formula = .Range("A1").Value

Bob Phillips

Whilst I cannot see the point of that line of code (a=a), it doesn't look
like a problem to me. But what has this got to do with an addin, I don't see
the link.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


When I run the code..it's coping the worksheets from addin file and placing
them into the activeworkbook.
Then...the code is changing a cell on each worksheet from text to a formula.
Anyway.... I have fixed it..and don't really know how
:).....I recreated the addin file with new worksheets and copied the code
over to it....and ...that seemed to fix the problem..

Thank you for your help!! :)

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