Histogram question


Lee Harris

I have a column chart, with 2 series on it, one has the blocks going up
(positive) and the other series has negative values, so the blocks are
pointing down, they are overlapped as they share the same categories on the
x axis, which are just bins associated with numeric values

however, when i try to format the y axis so that the x axis cuts across the
bottom of the page, it messes up the negative series, what I really want is
for the x axis to be through the middle of the page so both series look
right, but the x labels to be at the foot of the page - is that possible? I
could do it with text boxes but hope there is a "proper" way to do it

Lee H

Lee Harris

Lee Harris said:
I have a column chart, with 2 series on it, one has the blocks going up
(positive) and the other series has negative values, so the blocks are
pointing down, they are overlapped as they share the same categories on the
x axis, which are just bins associated with numeric values

however, when i try to format the y axis so that the x axis cuts across the
bottom of the page, it messes up the negative series, what I really want is
for the x axis to be through the middle of the page so both series look
right, but the x labels to be at the foot of the page - is that possible? I
could do it with text boxes but hope there is a "proper" way to do it

Lee H

using an offset won't work as even 1000 units doesnt bump the x axis labels
to the bottom of the page

Jon Peltier

Lee -

Surprised nobody answered this already. Double click your X axis, and on
the Patterns tab, select Low for tick labels. The axis stays in the
middle of the chart, but the labels move down out of the way.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Lee Harris

many thanks!

Jon Peltier said:
Lee -

Surprised nobody answered this already. Double click your X axis, and on
the Patterns tab, select Low for tick labels. The axis stays in the
middle of the chart, but the labels move down out of the way.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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