highlighting cells beginning with certain numbers



Hi all

I have a worksheet consisting of numerous telephone numbers - some are
business and some are private. I have to find all those numbers which are
private and highlight them.

I realise that Excel won't be able to identify what is work and what is
private so I could enter a code beside each cell that is a work number, thus
the rest must be privat.e If i did it this way, how would I ask Excel to
highlight all those cells that are private numbers?

Hope this makes sense.........

Thank you.



Format > ConditionalFormat > and follow the menus......this feature cancolor
the background of cells, change the font color and/or add borders to cells,
depending on your conditions........give it a try and post back with the
details if you run into problems.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


I did actualy try this but couldn't get it to work exactly as I want it to
but don't know if I'm asking for too much.

If I have the word 'private' in a cell A1 and the actual telephone number in
B1, how can I ask it to highlight 'private' AND the number in column B if the
criteria is met?

I have got it to highlight the cells containing the text in column A, but
is there any way of extending the highlight to the actual number next door,
so I don't have to do it myself?

Hope this makes sense.


Highlight the cells in column B and click Format | Conditional Format
and choose "Formula Is" rather than "Cell Contents Is". Then in the
next panel enter this:


and click the Format button - choose the Patterns tab if you want to
change the background colour and pick an appropriate colour. Click OK
twice to get out of this, and your private calls should all have the
phone number highlighted in column B.

Hope this helps.



Actually in this case, you will want to make the column absolute, otherwise
it will just highlight what is in column A. Make a slight change to the



that should work a treat.
Thanks everybody.

Kevin Vaughn said:
Actually in this case, you will want to make the column absolute, otherwise
it will just highlight what is in column A. Make a slight change to the


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