highlight seems stuck



Hi all,
When I click anywhere in my worksheet, it all becomes highlighted. as i
move the cursor down, everything below starting point becomes
highlighted...if i move it up, everything above becomes highlighted...then
the program seems to freeze up. it will not even let me minimize or close,
only move the highlight around. also, i recently had a problem with the
"box" around the active cell not visible, and the contents in the cell above
the active cell invisible. i had a friend try to fix it who was unable to,
but now i have this new problem. any suggestions??

Gord Dibben


Most often caused by hitting the F8 key and putting yourself into "Extended

If you see EXT on status bar hit F8 again to clear.

Another fix can be tapping the wheel on your wheelie-mouse a few times.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


This is likely by design. If I'm right the text EXT should be displayed in
one of the windows in the status bar toward the right side (assuming your
status bar is displayed). Try clicking F8 to disable this feature.



Thank you for the reply. I should have mentioned that i found that suggestion
in another thread and tried it to no avail. EXT is not shown in the status
bar???any other suggestions?

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