Highlight row given certain conditions




I am attempting to make a macro that will select a range and look in column
B for an "X" If that condition is met, I would like it to highlight the
entire row, or if it would be easier, to highlight the row in columns A - M.
I have worked on the macro below and I can get the cells with "X" in the
column to hightlight, but I cannot get it to select the entire row.

If there is an easier way to accomplish this I would welcome the
suggestion...this is what I'm currently using.

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Dim Cell As Range

For Each Cell In Selection
If Cell.Value = "x" Then
Cell.Interior.Color = vbGreen
End If
Next Cell
End Sub

Thanks in advance for you help!

Don Guillett

Sub colorrowif()
For Each c In Range("b4:b" & Range("b4").End(xlDown).Row)
If c = "x" Then c.EntireRow.Interior.Color = vbGreen
End Sub


First, you don't need a macro at all, you can use conditional formatting.
Select A:M and then use format/conditional formatting, change "Cell Value is"
to Formula Is", and enter this (assuming A1 is the active cell):
Then click the Format button and select the patterns tab, select the green
you want.

Bob Umlas
Excel MVP

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