Highlight current record in subform



I have a form with 2 subforms. It would help if the user could see what
record was the current one in the first subform (so that entering data in the
second subform would be appropriate to the record of the first subform).
I know how to achieve this on the "On focus" field but I want the whole
"current" record to be highlighted.
Much appreciated if you can help.

Allen Browne

The simplest solution is to set the subform's RecordSelector property to
Yes. The record selector then appears on the left, with a triangle
indicating the current record (or a pencil if it is being edited.)

If you want something more than that, see:

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

news:[email protected]...


Thanks Allen,
my RecordSelector is set to Yes but what I want is something similar to
previous queries where the fields are highlighted say in red (as per the link
you gave me).
I have added modules etc as per the 'lebans' sample, but for some reason the
fields do not change colour. I have tried changing the field background from
normal to transparant, but then it changes them to constantly grey (on focus
or not).

Allen Browne

Conditional formatting does require a Normal background.
Not sure what else might have happened.
Stephen's code is widely used, so keep working on it.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.



got this to work eventually.
Missed the 'easy part', i.e. set formatting on field!
So it works on my pc. If I copy to a thumb drive (i.e. entire database) it
works on my laptop but not on another (network) drive on a client pc.
Just can't figure out.

Allen Browne

Keep working on it Graeme.

It could be something as simple as a library issue (Tools | Refereces from
the code window), something that does not compile, a needed software update
on one machine, or Windows permissions.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.



checked a number of possibilities. I found when I was working on the form
that if I 'mouse over' the records then the highlight changes take effect.
Still, can't figure how to correct. I reckon it is to due with the VB
modules but can't find the solution.

Stephen Lebans

SInce a MouseOver or Hover effect is part of that library then it osunds
like you have not chosen the correct function,


Stephen Lebans
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