Hierachical data binding


Chuck Gantz

I have an existing XML file that I read into a data set ds. The XML is
hierarchical; i.e., it looks like

<D> element1<\D>
<E> element2<\E>
<D> element3<\D>
<E> element4<\E>

I created a schema based on the XML.
A, B, and C appear as individual dataTables in the dataset. I then bind
dataTable C to a dataGridView. Elements <D> and <E> get shown properly in
the dataGridView in two rows, one per each <C>.

If I save the dataset XML (using ds.WriteXML() ), I get back the original
XML file with the correct hierachy.

Then I added a new row in the dataGridView. When I now save the dataset XML,
dataTable C is saved as its own dataTable rather than being under <C>. In
other words, the above dataset appears as
<D> element1<\D>
<E> element2<\E>
<D> element3<\D>
<E> element4<\E>
<D> element3<\D>
<E> element4<\E>

My question (finally) is how do I save the new row I put into the
dataGridView in the correct hierarchy.


Chuck Gantz

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