Hiding Combo Box Selectors


Tom Lewis

When a form is opened in datasheet view, combo boxes do
not display their selector controls (the little triangles)
until the cell has the focus, and these selectors go away
when another cell gains the focus.

In continuous forms, however, the selector triangles
appear for all combo boxes in all rows of the continuous
form, resulting in a very cluttered appearance.

Is it possible to hide the combo box selectors for rows
and columns that do not have the focus?



Dirk Goldgar

Tom Lewis said:
When a form is opened in datasheet view, combo boxes do
not display their selector controls (the little triangles)
until the cell has the focus, and these selectors go away
when another cell gains the focus.

In continuous forms, however, the selector triangles
appear for all combo boxes in all rows of the continuous
form, resulting in a very cluttered appearance.

Is it possible to hide the combo box selectors for rows
and columns that do not have the focus?

You can cover them up with opaque labels or boxes, if you really want
to -- they'll pop to the top when the combo box gets the focus. I see
no harm, though, in letting the user see in advance that a control has a
drop-down list.

Tom Lewis

Thanks Dirk,

A little text box works fine to cover up the controls that
do not have the focus. Its a minor point to be sure, but
in this form the drop down controls added to what was
already alot of clutter. They also make it harder to see
which record currently has the focus since every row shows
the combo box controls.

What I would really like to do is to display the form in
datasheet view, but since I want column headings with
multiple rows I am trying to make a continuous form view
look as much like a datasheet as possible.

If you know of a way to force a line break within a
datasheet view's column heading you would really be a
hero... I gave up on that one a while ago.

Thanks again,


Dirk Goldgar

Tom Lewis said:
A little text box works fine to cover up the controls that
do not have the focus.

I wouldn't use a text box, since you don't need the data-editing
capabilities of that control. When I said"box", I was talking about a
rectangle control.
Its a minor point to be sure, but
in this form the drop down controls added to what was
already alot of clutter. They also make it harder to see
which record currently has the focus since every row shows
the combo box controls.

There are ways to highlight the current record, but I see your point.
What I would really like to do is to display the form in
datasheet view, but since I want column headings with
multiple rows I am trying to make a continuous form view
look as much like a datasheet as possible.

If you know of a way to force a line break within a
datasheet view's column heading you would really be a
hero... I gave up on that one a while ago.

Sorry, I don't know if that's possible.

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