Hide MDI Client ControlBox


Saso Zagoranski


In .NET 2.0 I have a MDI (parent) form with a menu and a toolbar. I also
have a MDI child form
displayed in the mdi parent form.
The problem is, that when I maximize the child form it's ControlBox gets
shown between the top and the menu of the parent box, which looks really bad
(at least to me).

Is there a way to disable showing the controlbox or even better - show the
control box below the toolbar?

Settings the ParentForm.ControlBox property to false hides the controlbox
when the child is minimized but it still displays it when maximized.


Saso Zagoranski


In the load event of the child form:

this.ControlBox = false;
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.MinimizeBox = false;
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

But it's still very strange to me, that if I set all these values in the
designer - it doesn't work?!

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