Hide Access Application



Is there a way to hide the main application window & toolbars... while
keeping a form visible?


Dirk Goldgar

QB said:
Is there a way to hide the main application window & toolbars... while
keeping a form visible?

Yes, but it's cumbersome to work with for any but the simplest application.
See this link:


In addition to the stipulations mentioned there, you have to make the form
both PopUp *and* Modal, and you have to ensure it is actually visible before
hiding the application window.

Marshall Barton

QB said:
Is there a way to hide the main application window & toolbars... while
keeping a form visible?

I just googled for Hide Access Window and the first several
hits all seemed relevant. Some of the fairly long articles
even provided all the needed code.


Yes, I did as well, but have not yet managed to get one to actually work. I
seem to end up hiding the entire application (all objects)... Dirks
Explanation to ensure that the form is modal & popup may explain the problem

One way or another this is a nice to have, but far from a necessity.
Functionality is far more important than this cosmetic dressing. Nice to
learn new thing though.

Thank you both for taking the time to answer me.


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