Hidden rows



I have inherited a worksheet that has formula references to rows that I
can not get to display. I have unprotected the worksheet, selected the
entire worksheet and unhide rows and columns and reformatted the rows to
15 point height and I still can not display the the rows which seem to
be hidden. If I us the go to specific cell the curser goes to a point
on the page btween the row 219 and row 400 but I can not see he rows.
Any Ideas how to view them and how was this done in the first place??

Peo Sjoblom

What happens if go to a hidden cell, let's say A300, then do
format>row>height and then put 15 and press enter?
If that works type 219:400 in the name box (box above column A where you
can see the cell address of the active cell) and press enter, now change the
row height for all the rows


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please)


The suggestion to go to the group of cells did not work as originally
suggested. It gave me an idea. I went to row 200 column A and then
changed the row height. Turns out that all of the hidden rows were set
to a height of zero. I found that I had to change the height of the
first and last row to some real height say 16. Then I could go back to
select the entire range and change the whole group of hidden (zero
height rows) to a height of 16 and get them to be visible. Thanks for
the idea/suggestion

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