Hidden 'data' worksheet



Can someone let me know what the hidden worksheet called 'data' is for in
certain Excel workbooks? I'm guessing it's a store for some function like
pivot tables or something similar but just wanted to find out as I can't find
any reference to it.

I was doing some vb.net programming to import data from an Excel worksheet
using oledb. I first load all worksheet names to allow the user to select a
worksheet. In the list of worksheets, I remove ones containing
"$_FilterDatabase", "$Print_Area", "$Print_Titles" etc. There is one
worksheet called "data" that I have never come across. It is not an
xlveryhidden as I tried code to unhide all sheets. I can import data from the
sheet in vb.net but I can't find a way to view it. The full name doesn't
contain "'" or "$" characters and must be some sort of Excel system sheet.

I just want to find out more about it and whether I should exculde it from a
list of worksheets to import data from.



Bernie Deitrick


You would need to ask whoever developed the workbook - that is not a standard sheet.

MS Excel MVP

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