hibernation and standby gone -- please add to this thread if you are knowledgeable



Using winxp pro sp1.

All of a sudden these options are no longer available on shutdown.
Hiberfil.sys remains in C:\ directory but the standby button is greyed
out on closing.

Cannot delete hiberfil.sys either. (Except I was able to in DOS using
CIA commander. Then on reboot, hiberfil.sys recreates itself.)

This happened from one day to the next, so I'm wondering what I did...
In display properties\screensaver\power, hibernate tab has also

Could it be some service which somehow got turned off or something?
Anyone ever have this? A repair reinstall does not fix this issue.
Doing a vast internet search reveals various people have had this
problem and no solution has been forthcoming from anyone. This is not
a BIOS issue, at elast not for me.

I was lucky to have a Drive Image image saved and so I re-imaged my
system drive (C:\) to about a month ago. All is now well, but still
wondering what it was.

Suspects are the various reg cleaners I used the other day which
"cleaned" the registry. So the prime suspect for me is reg data.

Does anyone know which Reg keys habilitate this function and keep it
from being greyed out?

thanks, eric


Most registry cleaners have a backup option. Try it and see if you can undo
the damage that you believe the utility has done. Jym


Jym said:
Most registry cleaners have a backup option. Try it and see if you can undo
the damage that you believe the utility has done. Jym

Good one Jym... that was the first thing I did, rebooted and it was the same.


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