Hi there

Oct 13, 2004
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Hi Everyone,

I have come here hoping to meet some other PC users! There are so many things to chat about I don't know where to start...

I hope you can all tolerate having an idiot on board and please excuse any silly questions I ask!

I'm looking for some help with burning audio CDs. I keep getting a crackling sound. It worked fine the first few times I did it but they now come out sounding like scratchy records. I'm not sure where to post the question - maybe someone can help? Thanks very much.

Love Flower Girl XXX :-)
Flower Girl said:
Hi Everyone,

I have come here hoping to meet some other PC users! There are so many things to chat about I don't know where to start...

I hope you can all tolerate having an idiot on board and please excuse any silly questions I ask!

I'm looking for some help with burning audio CDs. I keep getting a crackling sound. It worked fine the first few times I did it but they now come out sounding like scratchy records. I'm not sure where to post the question - maybe someone can help? Thanks very much.

Love Flower Girl XXX :-)

Welcome to our part of cyberspace :)

There are no silly questions, only stupid answers :D

As for the crackling sound from burned audio disks, this is generally due to high speed burning, you need to slow it down, I burn audio at 4 x max no matter what the high speed indicated on the disk. If this solves the problem you need not worry about anything else, if not we can take it from there and troubleshoot so that you can happily burn away.
Hi Flower Girl, welcome to the site!

Those crackling sounds you describe could be the new anti-piracy feature that music companies are putting into fake MP3's from the net - they are basically to discourage users from downloading illegal music by making those horrible sounds.

Edit - I've just seen Quads post... If you didn't download these, then just disregard what I said!
Hi there Flower Girl, and a warm welcome!! :D

Don't worry about asking silly questions, everyone here is very friendly and helpful without being condescending.

I would put your question into the Hardware Support section, I'm sure someone will be able to help....

edit: just seen the other replies, ignore my last - except the big hello!
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Hi everyone and thanks for the replies! :D It's great to get such a friendly welcome.

I thought it was the burning speed too, so reduced it to 1X (CD for up to 52X), but this didn't help.
The tracks are not downloaded but copied from other CDs. I've made compilations before (even using some of the same tracks) and they've been fine even burnt at high speed. I've used the CD burner quite a bit since for storing images onto CD (not without a few problems!). Now it seems impossible to burn an audio CD without the hissing/crackling sound. I wonder if something's gone wrong with my burner? :(
Flower Girl,

I would suggest you post your problem in the hardware section with information about your system details and software you are using. We will try our best to help you in any way we can. :)
hello Flower Girll

must confess i was looking at ur profile earlier and thought that it was strange that u joined in Oct and that u r posting first time today

well a big welcome from me!
and may i ask u what type of flowers do u like?

im a big big and avid fan of SUNFLOWERS:))

hope u enjoy your stay

Flower Girl said:
I hope you can all tolerate having an idiot on board and please excuse any silly questions I ask!

...we are all still learning, even those that have dealt with computers for years.
So, please don't think that your questions may seem silly, as many others may be having exactly the same problems. Without asking/enquiring, we would learn nothing. :)
Hi everyone and thanks for the welcomes!

I know it's a bit weird I joined in October and never posted until now - I guess I was a bit unsure really; like I said, I'm such an idiot with computers!

I like sunflowers too by the way! Just had some in a vase in the bathroom...

Flower Girl
Hi Flower Girl!

It's a really great community here, I've picked up lots of useful advice since joining

Glad to see another girl, I hope you stick around!
