Hi there everyone

Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
I only joined yesterday and I would like to compliment both the people who run this site and the people who post. The site is really clean and professional and easy to navigate. It's great to see that not everyone who posts is a technophile (although without the technophiles the site wouldn't be here!). A lot of computer/IT sites can be a bit exclusive and daunting for n00bs like me. The posters here seem like a real friendly and helpful bunch. Anyway, I look forward to reading all the posts and contributing if I can. Thank you.
Hi Herbie!

I'm glad you like the site, we try to make this as friendly a place as possible for all :)

Welcome :D
Welcome ... hope you like what you see.

Pull up a chair and stay awhile.

Heya lol i was a noob when first joined i think i know SOME stuff now ! haha

welcome dude

I already had the pleasure of interacting with you on another thread. :)

Thank you for the compliments, we certainly feel proud when someone says such things about the site.

....and welcome to the site :D
Hi Herbie :)

I hope the book writing is going well, and if not, drop by and chat! We're a great bunch :D
That's really nice, but I hope I won't be on here too much of the time, for obvious reasons.:D
I guess we'll know how well it's going by how much we see of you! ;)
Herbie said:
That's really nice, but I hope I won't be on here too much of the time, for obvious reasons.:D
Have a break now-n-then ... have a PCReview Chit-Chat

Hello Herbie

Nice to have you giving your two penn'eth worth on the site and look forward to speaking to you on a more regular basis.
Go on have a break, have a quick crap, err i mean a kit kat, err i mean a quick chat......

Come to think of it i don't think i introduced myself properly to everyone who uses pcreview, i just sort of gatecrashed in on someone elses post, after searching on google for review articles on certain topics and it's just gone from there and iv'e been a regular contributor ever since.

Kinda nice here i like the atmosphere and the open comments, as well as no bad language and honest opinions, also some of the posts have me rolling around in fits of laughter.:)
Привет товарищ, хороший встречать(вы по лня ть) Вас, и прием
I forgot what it meant now... something like "Hello comrade, nice to have you here, welcome"...well something along those lines...