hi everyone

Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
hi everyone i just joined the forum, i not been onto computer untill i started a hardware course where i passed both hardeware and operation systerm in level two , dos,html and i started my level 3 pc technicians last september and in jan this year i just started networking. i love to learn new things and have a go i not as good as some people but i'm a quick learner.
welcome lipiozzywife,

one thing for sure u will learn a lot from the pedigree of people within this forum! so as u enjoy learning, i wish u happy learning!

enjoy your stay. :)
Welcome to the forums! You've come to the right place if you like to learn new things, we're all teaching eachother :D
welcome. i started back in january. Keeping up with forums lets you stay on top of major things in a more broad range then on your own, plus... this is bout the best bunch of people i've seen on a forum. ;) good luck. best wishes.
Hi from a fellow resident of South Yorkshire!!

Kind regards

Gabriella x
No Problem, hope this site helps you as much as it has helped me.:D