Hi everybody

Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
My name is Carl run a business called ic communications and I thought i would just say HI..
Hi Carl

Welcome to the site anything we can do to help were all here ready and waiting......;)
Hello and welcome.

Now then, don't want to come across as rood, but - do you intend to partcipate in our Forums or is that just a shameless plug for your company?

If it's a case of one post and gone, then I'll consider it spam and this thread will auto-destruct in a week.
Hi everybody - I do intend on posting in these forums on a regular basis just incase you were wondering floppybootstomp.
Fair enough. In which case, forgive me, but we do get spammed an awful lot.

I look forward to your being here :)

And again - welcome.