Hi and thanks

Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, i'm not quite a new member. Have been with you since July i think.
I just wanted to say what a great site this is - with the best layout for a forum that i've ever used.
And also, thanks. All i've ever done on here is ask for help (i'm afraid i'm not much help to anyone in the computer department) and the help given has been fantastic, from advising me on best computers/printers to buy to making sure emails can get through to me (dodging the virus checker).
i work on a computer everyday, but don't know how it works. All of it is beyond me (total technophobe).
Also the speed of response is awesome

Many thanks and hello

Welcome to the forum! :)

Good to have you around and hoping you will continue interacting with us.
Many thanks for the warm welcome - i just hope i don't turn into a user where you think - Oh no, not her again!

Actually, i'm not as thick as i seem when it comes to computers ( i know a tiny bit)

just been on an intermediate dreamweaver course today and i'm now helping hubby with an application form. i'm a bit frazzled today! (plus. i've just had to make a couple of victorian fancy dress costumes for my kids - their schools 150th anniversary) - totally frazzled. roll on bed time!

dramaqueen2 said:
i just hope i don't turn into a user where you think - Oh no, not her again!
No such thing :)

Well, in 99% of cases, there's no such thing.... ;)

Seriously, any problem's OK, and this goes for any other member - no question is stupid, if you don't know something - then ask. Simple.

And if someone takes the micky it's likely we'll edit it out or something.

For myself, if I don't know the answer - and that's a frequent occurence - I don't bother answering.

Confident in the knowledge that somebody else probably will :)
Hello DQ ... enjoy your stay.

We don't get silly questions, there is no such thing, but occasionally we get a silly answer.
