Hi All

Nov 26, 2012
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Just to say hello to all.
I'm a bit of a Dinosaur, running several PCs on DOS, Win3.1, Win95 Win98, XP and Win7 for home & work.

Not expert in any of them, but get by, usually sort out most things.
Do get problems though, so hopefully you experts out there can advise when needed.

welcome aboard! And good luck working in a computer history timeline.
Nice to see there are other dinosaurs out there. I started with DOS, working on an 8086 processor. Actually, before that I had (and still have) a Timex-Sinclair 1000. :thumb:
Hi Medic,
I started using a TMS9900 CPU running FORTH, for an embedded machine controller, then progressed to designing Z80 computers using CPM. Weirdest thing was a dual processor Z80/MC68000 system running CPM & UNIX !! Thats what the sales guys said they wanted.
Then the IBM PC was launched, the rest is history.