Hexadecimal to Binary



Hello, Newsgroupians:

I've a question regarding Hexadecimal to binary conversion.

Suppose I have a long hexadecimal string, and I would like to convert it to
a binary string. How can I accomplish this with minimal code? I've seen
other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the hexadecimal string,
for they use Convert.ToString(...).


string str = "FA38";
string binStr = SomeClass.Hex2Bin(str);

This would produce the following output...


Thank you,


Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Trecius said:
I've a question regarding Hexadecimal to binary conversion.

Suppose I have a long hexadecimal string, and I would like to convert it to
a binary string. How can I accomplish this with minimal code? I've seen
other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the hexadecimal string,
for they use Convert.ToString(...).


string str = "FA38";
string binStr = SomeClass.Hex2Bin(str);

This would produce the following output...


Given that there are only 16 hex digits, and each hex digit maps to
exactly 4 characters, it's relatively straightforward. There are no
doubt ways to do it with shorter code than this, but this way is pretty

using System;
using System.Text;

class Test
static void Main()
string binStr = HexToBin("FA38");

static readonly string[] Nybbles =
{"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011",
"0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
"1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
"1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"};
static string HexToBin(string input)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(input.Length*4);
foreach (char c in input)
if (c >= '0' && c <='9')
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
throw new FormatException("Invalid hex digit: "+c);
return builder.ToString();

Jeroen Mostert

Trecius said:
I've a question regarding Hexadecimal to binary conversion.

Suppose I have a long hexadecimal string, and I would like to convert it to
a binary string. How can I accomplish this with minimal code? I've seen
other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the hexadecimal string,
for they use Convert.ToString(...).


string str = "FA38";
string binStr = SomeClass.Hex2Bin(str);

This would produce the following output...

There are 16 hexadecimal digits, corresponding to 16 4-bit patterns. So the
idiot's way of doing it (also called "the simplest thing that could possibly
work") would be

private static readonly string[] binarySequences = new string[] {
"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011",
"0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
"1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
"1100", "1101", "1110", "1111",

static int hexDigitToInt(char hexDigit) {
return hexDigit >= '0' && hexDigit <= '9' ? hexDigit - '0' : hexDigit
- 'A' + 10;
static string Hex2Bin(string hexDigits) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(hexDigits.Length * 4);
foreach (char digit in hexDigits) {
return result.ToString();

And despite being the idiot's way, this is actually not bad. (Once you put
in validation, that is.)

Arne Vajhøj

Trecius said:
Suppose I have a long hexadecimal string, and I would like to convert it to
a binary string. How can I accomplish this with minimal code? I've seen
other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the hexadecimal string,
for they use Convert.ToString(...).


string str = "FA38";
string binStr = SomeClass.Hex2Bin(str);

This would produce the following output...


C# 2.0 / .NET 2.0:

public static string Hex2Bin20(string s)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(char c in s.ToCharArray())

sb.Append(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16),
2).PadLeft(4, '0'));
return sb.ToString();

C# 3.0 / .NET 3.5:

public static string Hex2Bin35(string s)
return String.Join("", (from c in s.ToCharArray() select
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16), 2).PadLeft(4,


PS: I think I would use the 2.0 version on 3.5 as well - it is
more readable.


Hello, Newsgroupians:

I've a question regarding Hexadecimal to binary conversion.

Suppose I have a long hexadecimal string, and I would like to convert it to
a binary string.  How can I accomplish this with minimal code?  I've seen
other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the hexadecimal string,
for they use Convert.ToString(...).


string str = "FA38";
string binStr = SomeClass.Hex2Bin(str);

This would produce the following output...


Thank you,


int i = Convert.ToInt32("FA38", 16);

Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(i, 2));


            int i = Convert.ToInt32("FA38", 16);

            Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(i, 2));

Sorry.. i didnt read your post all the way

Arne Vajhøj

parez said:
int i = Convert.ToInt32("FA38", 16);

Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(i, 2));

Did you read:
"I've seen other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the
hexadecimal string, for they use Convert.ToString(...)"



Did you read:
   "I've seen other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the
   hexadecimal string, for they use Convert.ToString(...)"


hehe.. I didnt :)

Fernando Gómez

Trecius said:
Hello, Newsgroupians:

I've a question regarding Hexadecimal to binary conversion.

Suppose I have a long hexadecimal string, and I would like to convert it to
a binary string. How can I accomplish this with minimal code? I've seen
other posts, but they are restricted to the size of the hexadecimal string,
for they use Convert.ToString(...).


string str = "FA38";
string binStr = SomeClass.Hex2Bin(str);

This would produce the following output...


Thank you,


Hi there,

how about this? It uses int.Parse, hope that's ok.

string ToBin(string str)
string hex;
string bin;
int num;

bin = string.Empty;
hex = str;
num = int.Parse(hex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

while (num > 0)
bin = string.Format("{0}{1}", (num & 1) == 1 ? "1" : "0", bin);
num >>= 1;

return bin;

I did a little test, it seems to be working fine.


Jeroen Mostert

Arne said:
C# 2.0 / .NET 2.0:

public static string Hex2Bin20(string s)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(char c in s.ToCharArray())

This is unnecessary; System.String implements IEnumerable<char>.

C# 3.0 / .NET 3.5:

public static string Hex2Bin35(string s)
return String.Join("", (from c in s.ToCharArray() select
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16), 2).PadLeft(4,
Without skipping on LINQ, this can easily be made more readable if desired:

public static string Hex2Bin(string hexDigits) {
return string.Concat(
from c in hexDigits
let hexDigit = Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16)
let binaryDigits = Convert.ToString(hexDigit, 2).PadLeft(4, '0')
select binaryDigits

Or to stay in LINQ altogether:

public static string Hex2Bin(string hexDigits) {
return (
from c in hexDigits
let hexDigit = Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16)
let binaryDigits = Convert.ToString(hexDigit, 2).PadLeft(4, '0')
select binaryDigits

All that said, I would still prefer the "stupid" method of concatenating the
nybble strings yourself. While code like this makes the most out of reusing
existing code, I don't think it gains much on clarity, certainly not when
you throw in LINQ to impress your fellow programmers with.

Arne Vajhøj

Jeroen said:
This is unnecessary; System.String implements IEnumerable<char>.

Without skipping on LINQ, this can easily be made more readable if desired:

public static string Hex2Bin(string hexDigits) {
return string.Concat(
from c in hexDigits
let hexDigit = Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16)
let binaryDigits = Convert.ToString(hexDigit, 2).PadLeft(4, '0')
select binaryDigits

Or to stay in LINQ altogether:

public static string Hex2Bin(string hexDigits) {
return (
from c in hexDigits
let hexDigit = Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16)
let binaryDigits = Convert.ToString(hexDigit, 2).PadLeft(4, '0')
select binaryDigits

Many ways of doing this.

But I don't really consider those more readable.

All that said, I would still prefer the "stupid" method of concatenating
the nybble strings yourself. While code like this makes the most out of
reusing existing code, I don't think it gains much on clarity, certainly
not when you throw in LINQ to impress your fellow programmers with.

That was my conclusion as well. Bytes are pretty cheap.


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