Hex Color to RGB




Visual Basic 6 uses for the color format something like &H0000000&
How can I convert a color of this format to RGB for use in the .NET
I need this because the data I use are already stored in a database for use
in a Visual Basic 6 Application.

Thanks in advance

Phill. W

Diomatas said:
Visual Basic 6 uses for the color format something like &H0000000&
How can I convert a color of this format to RGB for use in the .NET

Color.FromArgb( Integer ) is the most likely candidate, as in

Dim c as Color _
= Color.FromArgb( &H000000& )

Or, of you have access to the RGB components instead,

c = Color.FromArgb( R, G, B )

Phill W.

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

Diomatas said:
Visual Basic 6 uses for the color format something like &H0000000&
How can I convert a color of this format to RGB for use in the .NET
I need this because the data I use are already stored in a database for
in a Visual Basic 6 Application.

'Dim c As Color = Color.FromArgb(&H0000000)'

For OLE colors:

'Dim c As Color = ColorTranslator.FromOle(&H0000000)'.

'Color' has 'R', 'G', and 'B' properties.

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