Here's a toughie . . . table entries will not Center



My site has 2 tables of links. The first table is the "Tech" table,
and all links are centered in each cell.

The second table, "Networks", I copied directly from the top table,
and edited the links. But they will not center !!! I have tried
relentlessly, to no avail - they are situated on the left side of each
cell. They are not aligned perfectly to the left, so it is not a
problem where the browser thinks they are aligned to the left.
Rather, they are about 33% towards the left side.

In desparation, I created a completely blank table, and re-entered all
the links, one at a time, and they did Center. But when I checked
back a coupld of days later - they all appeared on the left again.

It's like I have some little gremlins running around insode my PC.
Heeellllppppp ! ! ! ! Here's the link:

Steve Easton

Your top table is defined in 5 of width,
and the bottom table is defined in fixed pixel widths.

This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer
My site has 2 tables of links. The first table is the "Tech" table,
and all links are centered in each cell.

The second table, "Networks", I copied directly from the top table,
and edited the links. But they will not center !!! I have tried
relentlessly, to no avail - they are situated on the left side of each
cell. They are not aligned perfectly to the left, so it is not a
problem where the browser thinks they are aligned to the left.
Rather, they are about 33% towards the left side.

In desparation, I created a completely blank table, and re-entered all
the links, one at a time, and they did Center. But when I checked
back a coupld of days later - they all appeared on the left again.

It's like I have some little gremlins running around insode my PC.
Heeellllppppp ! ! ! ! Here's the link:

Jim Buyens

You've got the width of your table set to 650, but the
combined width of your cells is 169+177+150=496.

Apparently, the browser is centering your text within the
width you specified for each cell, and *then* stretching
the cells to fit the 650px table width.

Try setting your cell widths to 33%, 33%, 34% as you did
for the first table.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

your table width sen

Jack Brewster

My site has 2 tables of links. The first table is the "Tech" table,
and all links are centered in each cell.

The second table, "Networks", I copied directly from the top table,
and edited the links. But they will not center !!! I have tried
relentlessly, to no avail - they are situated on the left side of each
cell. They are not aligned perfectly to the left, so it is not a
problem where the browser thinks they are aligned to the left.
Rather, they are about 33% towards the left side.

In desparation, I created a completely blank table, and re-entered all
the links, one at a time, and they did Center. But when I checked
back a coupld of days later - they all appeared on the left again.

It's like I have some little gremlins running around insode my PC.
Heeellllppppp ! ! ! ! Here's the link:

I opened your page in FP and removed the cell widths and everything lined up

When using fixed widths on cells, you need to make sure that you accomodate
words that may show up wider than the box you've defined. This is
especially true with long words as FP (and the browser showing the page)
will _not_ word wrap text for you.

Steve Easton

I meant %
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer widths.

Your top table is defined in 5 of width,
and the bottom table is defined in fixed pixel widths.

This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer
My site has 2 tables of links. The first table is the "Tech" table,
and all links are centered in each cell.

The second table, "Networks", I copied directly from the top table,
and edited the links. But they will not center !!! I have tried
relentlessly, to no avail - they are situated on the left side of each
cell. They are not aligned perfectly to the left, so it is not a
problem where the browser thinks they are aligned to the left.
Rather, they are about 33% towards the left side.

In desparation, I created a completely blank table, and re-entered all
the links, one at a time, and they did Center. But when I checked
back a coupld of days later - they all appeared on the left again.

It's like I have some little gremlins running around insode my PC.
Heeellllppppp ! ! ! ! Here's the link:

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