


I have a question and was hoping that you could help me,
I have a problem with my lap top where the cursor when
I'm typing will automatically move to wherever the mouse
cursor is sitting without me doing anything, also,
sometimes if my mouse is laying on a button or a task bar
item it will automatically select it on its own without
me pressing a mouse button to select it. I am a law
student and this is becoming a problem because when I'm
typing in class the cursor will move automatically on its
own to another area in the page...please help me figure
out how to change this setting?? I have looked in the
control panel and cannot for the life of me figure it out!

Thanks so much!



Hello Beth. Go into the control panel and then the mouse and look in the
configuration tabs for something called "smart move" and uncheck it. For me
this setting is found on the "motion" tab. I'm not sure about the task bar
and buttons but perhaps you can right click on the start button and then
click properties and then the start menu tab and the customize button and
then the advanced tab and uncheck the "open submenus when I pause on them
with my mouse". Try that. {]:~)

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