


My computer got attacked by a virus, and since I fixed the problem I am not
able to access the part of the display to change my background. What should I

Shenan Stanley

AnnieD said:
My computer got attacked by a virus, and since I fixed the problem
I am not able to access the part of the display to change my
background. What should I do?

Sounds like you may not have 'fixed the problem'...

What virus?
How did you 'fix the problem'?


I do not know the name of the virus, but I do know that I have gotten rid of
it. There is no viruses found on my computer at all. I may have not really
"fixed" the problem at hand, I am just thankful that I no longer have any
viruses. Now I just need to get my computer back to normal.

Shenan Stanley

AnnieD said:
I do not know the name of the virus, but I do know that I have
gotten rid of it. There is no viruses found on my computer at all.
I may have not really "fixed" the problem at hand, I am just
thankful that I no longer have any viruses. Now I just need to get
my computer back to normal.

How many antvirus and antispyware applications did you utilize to verify you
do not have any viruses/spyware/adware/trojans/worms?

The reason I ask is that very few infections these days come 'alone' and not
every antivirus/antispyware application (none in fact) catch everything.


AnnieD said:
I do not know the name of the virus, but I do know that I have gotten rid
it. There is no viruses found on my computer at all. I may have not really
"fixed" the problem at hand, I am just thankful that I no longer have any
viruses. Now I just need to get my computer back to normal.

It is impossible to prove that a computer does not have any viruses. Doing
so amounts to proving a negative which is a logical impossibility. All you
can do is prove that your antivirus cannot find any of the viruses that it
can detect. Thus the question of how many there are that the antivirus
cannot detect remains unanswerable.

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