

Gary Nelson

In Access2000, I created a form which requires printing on two seperate
color of paper. The curent procedure is to press File, Print, Properties,
Paper Source, Manual Feed Tray where I then load the colored paper.

My question is this....I just created a command button with the report now
linked in order to simplify the procedure that this report is part of. In
doing so, the button is pressed, the user is prompted to enter a date,
(which pulls the report figures for that day) and then the report prints.
However, it does not provide the option to use the manual feed tray to print
on the colored paper. Can you please offer some assitance on how I can do
this? I basically need the option to enter the print options.

Thanks in advance



I just tested this method (at work). Maybe it will work
for you.

Win2K,AC2k, networked to an HP4050TN printer.

These are the steps I used:

Open your report in design mode.
Goto FILE, then down to PAGE SETUP.
Select the PAGE tab.
In the PAPER SOURCE dropdown box (middle of the form),
change "Automatically Select" to "Tray 1 (Manual)".

Click on OK.
Close the report and SAVE changes!!!!!

The settings are saved for THIS form.

The other forms *should* still print normally and the
report you just modified *should* use the manual feed tray.

Good luck - it worked for me.


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