help with two projects in one solution, please!

  • Thread starter George Hardy IV
  • Start date

George Hardy IV

I have a main project that contained a crystal report form and a report
form. I would like to break this out into a satellite assembly, but am
getting strange errors when I include the new project in my solution.

Dim crTableLogonInfo As New TableLogOnInfo
Dim crTable As Table
For Each crTable In rpt.Database.Tables
crTableLogonInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo <<<<<< it gives me
squiggly blue lines here
crTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = ci
crTableLogonInfo.TableName = crTable.Name <<< and here

This code works in another project, but in the reporting assembly i am
breaking out of the main application, it will not compile and gives me this

"Value of type 'CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo' cannot be converted
to 'CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo'."

What the heck does this mean????????????

Please? Thanks you in advance!!!!!!
George Hardy


If you have a legit version of Visual Studio then you can register Crystal
Reports.NET for FREE, sign in & send support a question if you don't find
the answer in their documentation


George Hardy IV

ok, it looks like i will have to do this, because this problem does not
appear on my Win2000 box at home (with the same exact project). This must
be some wierd xp thing. thanks again.

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